KaLeigh K White

KaLeigh K White

PhD Candidate in Sociology

University of Iowa

I am a doctoral candidate in sociology at the University of Iowa (UI). My research interests include social inequality, social policy, poverty alleviation, equity in education, and quantitative methods. My dissertation examines how experiences of social safety net program benefit conditions (e.g., work requirements) and sanctions (e.g., benefit cuts) are related to recipient well-being, including material hardship, health, and sense of autonomy. My work is supported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Adminstration for Children and Families). Since 2018, I have conducted data analysis and research for the UI’s Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Download my CV (updated December 2022)


  • PhD in Sociology, Anticipated Spring 2023

    University of Iowa

  • MA in Sociology, 2017

    University of Iowa

  • BA in Sociology & Public Administration, 2014

    University of Northern Iowa